SKF spherical bearings are precision components, in addition to considerable attention to lubrication and proper, and SKF spherical bearings in the process of using, but also quite cautious. Both high-performance SKF spherical bearings, if used improperly in the course, not only to achieve desired performance results, and very easy to damage SKF spherical bearings, resulting in unnecessary losses.
Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary losses, we use SKF spherical bearings should note the following:
First, try to keep SKF spherical bearings and its surroundings clean
Smile even if invisible dust into the bearing, will increase bearing wear, vibration and noise.
Second, when using the installation carefully
Does not allow a strong punch, does not allow a direct hit with a hammer bearing, is not allowed to pass through the rolling pressure.
Third, the use of appropriate, accurate installation tool
Make use of special tools, try to avoid using fabric and staple fibers and the like.
Fourth, to prevent corrosion of SKF spherical bearings
Direct hand pick SKF spherical bearings, to fully wash hands sweat, and coated with high-quality mineral oil before you start, during the rainy season and summer with particular attention to rust.
However, in certain special operating conditions, SKF spherical bearings can get a longer life in traditional computing, especially in light load conditions. These special operating conditions is that, when the rolling surface (track and rolling pieces) is an effective lubricant film separating and limit pollutants may cause surface damage. In fact, in ideal conditions, so-called permanent SKF spherical bearing life is possible.